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Florida, USA
Social Media ===>

Who are you?

Marines Entering Boot camp find out Who They Are Quick

Part of my daily activities is the use of social media. I have been primarily on Facebook and Instagram and I have a goal of growing both and Youtube as well. So who are you?

The other day I came across a photo from Afghanistan. The picture eight is years old which makes me 39 as I write this.

As I posted the picture I began to think about the caption and I began typing on the keyboard on my phone.

The message of the caption was a lengthy one for the platform but I felt it was needed, especially for myself and maybe others too. The caption was about our identity.

soldiers in basic training
Marines in boot camp often ask themselves what did I get myself into

It’s very easy, actually too easy to look back at past versions of ourselves and think, ” I will never be that cool again” or “What will I do now.” This was and sometimes still is a struggle of mine personally.

As time goes on though, and I am more purposeful in what I do and who I surround myself with, it’s easier to know who I am today.

In my company, we use tools that help us visualize our goals and the path we need to get there.

I use a vision board and I encourage everyone too.

On my vision board are pictures of what I want and need to accomplish and on my walls are pictures of what mean the most to me.

I am getting better at telling myself it is not about who I was or what I did, it is all about who I will become and what will I do to make it happen.

It’s simply about the constant transition that we have to understand and come to peace with.

You see, actions speak louder than words and our actions of the past may have volume behind them but they do not determine who we are and where we will end up.

As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, ” The historian looks backward. In the end he also believes backward.”

We have to build our past into our future, blend who we were with who we are and never lose sight of where we want to be.

I was in the Marine Corps, I was a team leader in the Reconnaissance community, I am a Marine and I am also a father, a business owner, a nerd who enjoys learning about technology and so many other things. Who are you?

Get into contact with Chris Jackson of Warrior Wealth Solutions now for business and finance strategies

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