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3 Tips for Promoting Mental Health to Your Employees

The mental health of your employees can have a serious impact on your business. In fact, The Center for Disease Control reports four in five depression sufferers struggle with their jobs, families, and social activities. As an employer, there are a number of things you can do to support, especially by promoting mental health to your employees. 

Train the Managers

Sometimes management tends to take a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with subordinates. Managers that understand there will be differences in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of workers will be more effective and will manage a happier and healthier workforce. 

You should make training available to your managers that provides them with the ability to recognize the traits of common mental illnesses and to work with sufferers of these illnesses. A good manager will be able to uncover what makes each employee unique and will adapt their management style to fit the needs of every employee. 

Supportive Company Culture

Creating a workplace culture that supports the mental health of your employees can provide you with a number of benefits. One way to do this is to listen to the concerns of your employees. This can take place in two ways: conversation between managers and employees and conversations that involve corporations and employees.

You should also provide ways for your employees to de-stress. Walking paths, gyms, and game rooms are typical at many companies. Fitness and meditation classes have also been used effectively. 

Time off and sick leave is also a necessity. Encouraging employees to utilize the resources, such as sick days, available to them, rather than discouraging them, can have a positive impact on mental wellness as it relates to the workplace.

Increase Employee Awareness by Promoting Mental Health

Your employees should also be provided with the educational tools to monitor the mental well-being of both themselves and their coworkers. There are organizations like the National Alliance for Mental Health, Mental Health America, and the American Psychiatric Association available to provide you and your employees with these resources. Your company can also work at developing its own programs to facilitate the mental well-being of employees. 

One example of an internal program for mental well-being at one major company is the distribution of a five-minute video that teaches employees questions to ask co-workers who appear to be having difficulties. 

Your employees’ mental health issues are as important to the performance of your business as it is to them experiencing happiness in their personal lives. There are a number of steps you can take to make sure the people who work for you remain both healthy and happy while with your company and beyond.

Need some additional assistance in being a better leader for your employees and pushing your company in the right direction? Warrior Wealth Solutions offers Business Consulting to provide you the necessary routes to plan and take in order to improve profitability and control.

Get into contact with Chris Jackson of Warrior Wealth Solutions now for business and finance strategies

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